Limp Poker Significado

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Several guys stand in a circle around a biscuit (possibly a wheat digestive). They all begin to jerk off, ejactulating onto the biscuit. The last person to cum, consequently, has to eat the soggy biscuit. A limp is when a player calls the big blind pre-flop. Limping is usually done by confident players, players with large stacks or by players with potentially solid hands who wish to see the flop. E.g 'I might limp to see if my King Queen hits.' Find out more about limp in this poker video.

Several guys stand in a circle around a biscuit (possibly a wheat digestive). They all begin to jerk off, ejactulating onto the biscuit. The last person to cum, consequently, has to eat the soggy biscuit.
Limp Poker Significado
by beast May 21, 2003
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A game in which a group of boys crowd round a biscuit and try to ejaculate onto it. When there is only one person left who hasn't ejaculated, he must eat the biscuit.
Some kids played limp biscuit last night. No one ate the biscuit because they all thought the first guy to get an erection in the company of other guys was gay so they killed him.

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A game a group of men play by taking a biscuit and placing it in between them while ejaculating. To win the game one of the men must climax on the biscuit and make it soggy with semen.
by Scott Dingman November 17, 2007

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Limp Poker Significado La

A limp biscuit is the mathematical term for an infinity shaped curve, commonly misunderstood as a lemniscate. It has been rumored that the band Limp Bizkit got their name from the idea of being infinite, so they wanted to use the mathematical term for the symbol. But sadly the creators of Limp Bizkit did not have the greatest spelling skills and the word biscuit was misspelled in their name. The term limp biscuit originated from Jacques Bernoulli back in 1694.
Person 1: 'What do you want your team name to be?'
Person 2: 'Limp Biscuit!'
Person 1: 'What did you say? Lemniscate?'
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After she made that remark to me I was just a limp biscuit.
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When the penis stays flaccid in times of stimulation, foreplay, or before any kind sex in general. A term for erectile disfunction.
Trev:Hey man, You have a fun weekend with the librarian chick?
Sam:I wish. I really struck out when I came down with a Limp Biscuit
Get a Limp Biscuit mug for your dog Bob.

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